Sunday 31 March 2024

dumplings de manzana

Dumplings de manzana
Dumplings de manzana.

4 manzanas.
½ taza de leche (50 ml).
2 tazas de harina (200 g).
1 cucharadita de sal (5 g).
1/2 taza de miel (50 g).
1 vaso de agua (250 ml).
1 barra de mantequilla (125 g).
¼ cucharadita de canela (2,5 g).
1/2 cucharadita de nuez moscada (2,5 g).
2 cucharaditas de levadura en polvo (10 g).
Precalentamos el horno a 180ºC.
Disolvemos el azúcar en el agua y la llevamos a hervir. Removemos constantemente y pasados 5 minutos, retiramos del fuego.
Agregamos la canela, la nuez moscada y ¼ de barra de mantequilla.
Pelamos las manzanas.
Retiramos el corazón y procedemos a cortarlas en 8 trozos.
Aparte, mezclamos la harina, la sal y la levadura.
Deshacemos con los dedos dentro de la harina lo que queda de la mantequilla, mezclando ligeramente hasta formar una masa tierna. Agregamos la leche poco a poco.
Amasamos la pasta hasta que quede una masa homogénea, que se pueda manejar con las manos.
Estiramos la pasta hasta que tenga medio centímetros de espesor y cortamos cuadrados de 12 centímetros de lado. Ponemos 4 trozos de manzana en cada cuadrado.
Espolvoreamos la manzana con azúcar, canela y nuez moscada. Colocamos media cucharadita de mantequilla sobre la fruta y untamos las puntas del cuadrado por encima.
Unimos bien las aristas del cuadrado, para que no se salga la manzana, y colocamos los pasteles, dejando 3 centímetros de separación entre uno y otro, sobre una bandeja de horno previamente engrasada o forrada con papel de hornear.
Vertemos el almíbar (el agua y el azúcar hervidos) por encima.
Horneamos durante 30 minutos.
Servimos calientes con un poco de nata montada, helado o yogur

pie de moras

Pie de Moras

Ingredientes para la masa:

  • 2 ½ tazas (312 gr) de harina sin preparar (harina sin agentes leudantes)
  • 1 cucharadita (6 gr) de sal
  • 1 cucharadita (4 gr) de azúcar
  • 200 gr de mantequilla sin sal fría y cortada en cubitos
  • ¼ taza (62.5 cc) de agua fría

Ingredientes para el relleno:

  • 4 tazas de moras (frescas o congeladas)
  • 1 taza (145 gr) de azúcar blanca
  • ¼ taza (32 gr) de fécula de maíz


  1. Colocar en el procesador de alimentos la harina con la sal y el azúcar y procesar hasta integrar.
  2. Agregar la mantequilla bien fría y procesar hasta lograr un arenado.
  3. Añadir el agua bien fría y procesar hasta que se forme la masa.
  4. Colocar la masa sobre una mesa ligeramente enharinada y presionar para juntarla.
  5. Dividir la masa en dos, darles forma de disco, forrar ambas mitades con film y refrigerar por lo menos una hora.
  6. Retirar las masas de la refrigeradora y dejar que reposen unos 10 minutos.
  7. Precalentar el horno en 400°F/200°C.
  8. En un tazón pequeño, mezclar el azúcar con la fécula de maíz. Reservar.
  9. En un tazón grande colocar las moras, agregar la mezcla de azúcar y mover para que todas las moras queden impregnadas con el azúcar.
  10. Tomar una de las masas, quitarle el film y estirar sobre una mesa enharinada a un tamaño que pueda cubrir la base y paredes del molde.
  11. Forrar con esta masa el molde de pie, presionando suavemente para que se adhiera al fondo y paredes del molde, recortar la masa sobrante.
  12. Estirar la otra mitad de masa sobre la mesa enharinada y cortar varias tiras del mismo ancho para con ellas hacer un enrejado.
  13. Rellenar el pie con las moras y con las tiras de masa hacer un enrejado sobre el relleno.
  14. Presionar la masa tratando que las tiras se peguen a la masa del molde, cortar el exceso de masa y doblar los bordes para sellar bien.
  15. Pincelar la masa con leche y espolvorear con un poco de azúcar.
  16. Hornear por 15 minutos a 400°F/200°C, pasado ese tiempo, sin retirar el pie del horno, bajar la temperatura del horno a 350°F/180°C y hornear por 45 minutos más.
  17. Retirar del horno y dejar enfriar antes de servir
Pd: Solo seguí las proporciones del relleno y lo usé con la receta de masa de tarta con aceite

masa de tarta dulce (con aceite)


  1. 1 1/2 a 2 tazas de harina
  2. 1/2 taza aceite
  3. 2 huevos
  4. 2 cucharadas leche
  5. 1 cucharadita polvos de hornear
  6. 3/4 taza azúcar

Paso a paso

  1. 1

    En un bowl mezclar el aceite con el azúcar

  2. 2

    Añadir los huevos, los polvos y la leche

  3. 3

    Mezclar e ir añadiendo la harina de a poco

  4. 4

    Mezclar con las manos hasta lograr una masa homogénea y que no se pegue en los dedos, si se pega agregar un poquito más de harina y listo!

Pd: reemplace la leche por agua

Monday 23 May 2011

What? my favourite subject?. Well. I will talk about my favourite subject.

My favourite subject?! What an I supposed to do with that?! I only have five subjects!....
All right, I have been thinking...Maths cost me, but is a great challenge because I can still understand it (with a LOT of effort). Chemistry...I am lost with that...I can't do anything... Orientation to Medicine Veterinary is a good class but I know why I became a vet and I know what they do, otherwise, I would not have risked choosing this career. But Zoology is diferent, it is the only subject that have sense in this half-year (well chemistry too but I don't like that subject). Even the teacher talks of the same item over and over again but I still enjoying his classes, because I learn what I had searching in books, documentals and encyclopedias since I was child. Now I am so happy because now I say with pride that I know what is a platelmite and a monogenenan and a eslasmobranch got it...

Ok, that it is all, Zoology it's my favourite subject because I learn that I have come here to learn anyway. In the other subjects I will must put a LOOOT of effort, for chemistry even more effort that in maths, but I think we can put our differences behind us. For science.

Because a post is not a post without a videos, here it is: The best human-created-animal-ever

This video improved my quality life immeasurably.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

I admire...

Well I admire Cesar Millan. He is a very known (for his television series The Dog Whisperer) dog trainer,he focused specially in aggressive dogs and because that he founded the Dog Psychology Center. He wrote three books, all became New York Times best sellers!
Since he was a child (in his country: Mexico), he wanted to be the best dog trainer in the world. Wen he war 21 years old, he inmigrated illegally to USA, when he arribed to USA he first worked in a grooming dog, working with the most aggressive dogs. Later he created the Dog Psychologyc Center...
Millan became a legal resident of the USA in 2000, became a USA citizen in 2009, and now lives in Santa Clarita.
I admire him because the metods that he use to train dogs is unic an special, he don't try to use the simple and outdated tecnic of reward and punishment, he understand the comunication and the psychocologyc of the dogs and use it to "convice" dogs to do something, it's like he invite to the dog to do the right thing... I think that he descover the right method for live with our dogs in the best way using the language of our canines friends.

That is all that I want to say, for now... See tou later!

Oh, there is a video of the NationalGeographic about his TV series, the Dog Whisperer!

Wednesday 13 April 2011

This is... my carrer!!!

Hi!, me again, in this post I will tell you why I decided to become a Vet.
The first thing that become to my mind is to say that is because I like the animals, but is much more. as a Vet I can do a lot of thing, I can specialize I a entire world of things, like animal produccion, minor and mayor clinic, public healt and even be independient. The best part is that all is related with animals!. This carrer give me a lot of posibilities, for that if I try to do something and it doesn't work, I can try with other thing totally diferent, I have a lot of opportunities!!!.

The uni is really careful in the education, especially with the new studients, some classes are very dificult (like maths for me xD) but the teachers are still preoccupied, even we can ask questions him via e-mail!! in the school that is unimaginable!!.
The Laboratories are amazing, there we can see the thing that the professor teach in the classroom, it's very helpful to learn how to do the thing and no only know it by a book.

Now I just have to put some of my part and study very very hard. This will be a dificult way, I love this carrer and worth one's while, well I hope that you liked my post, but what kind of post is this without a gif of a monkey washing a cat?!. (I was too seriuos in this post :O)

Oohhh there is...

My Music